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In-Hospital Services

We strive to provide the best possible care for our patients.  A veterinarians job encompasses many aspects of medicine.  Below you can read about the numerous services we provide for our canine and feline patients and their human companions.

Photo of two puppies
Skin Patient Care, Photo of dog with skin diesis
Puppies and kittens care, photo of kitty
Senior Pet Care, Photo of aged dog

Preventative Care


We believe that the best way to treat illness is to prevent it.  Routine preventative healthcare is a paramount to the health and well-being of any pet.  The cornerstone of preventative healthcare is the yearly check-up, where we can evaluate a pet's lifestyle, recommend any changes, and identify any medical problems early on before they affect your pets quality of life.  Routine health care also involves the appropriate administration of vaccines to prevent the transmission of infectious disease, as well as parasite monitoring, treatment, and prevention.

Sick Patient Care


Our pets will inevitably get sick at times.  This can be a scary and confusing time, especially when you are not sure what is going on.  When your pet comes into the hospital with an illness, your visit will follow a standard protocol.  The technician and veterinarian will ask you questions about what is going on with your pet, then the veterinarian will perform a physical exam.  This allows him or her to examine all the body systems of your pet.  This exam may lead to a diagnosis, or it may direct us toward further necessary testing.  Once this is completed, a treatment plan is initiated to get your pet on the road to recovery. 

Puppies and Kittens


A new puppy or kitten in the house is an exciting time.  However, it can also be a confusing time.  Puppy and kitten care will consist of a series of visits (usually between 3 and 5), over the first 6-8 months of the pets life.  At these visits, we will discuss routine care, nutritional advice, training and grooming advice, and address any other questions you may have about your new family member.  In addition, we will develop a vaccination and parasite prevention/treatment schedule tailored to your specific pet and their lifestyle.


Don't forget to check out our "Right Start Puppy Program"

Senior Pet Care


As pets get older, their needs change.  When your senior pet comes to see us, we can discuss with you the changes you are seeing in their health and behavior.  By knowing what changes to watch for as your pet enters their senior years, we can identify potential problems early.

Radiology, photo of x-ray of dog



Our hospital is equiped with a state-of-the-art digital radiography unit.  This allows us to take quick, accurate radiographs to evalaute your pets musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, reproductive and urinary systems should the need arise.


Digital radiography offers superior images that can be obtained faster and with less radiation exposure to the patient as compared to traditional radiography.

Inside picture of during performing surgery



We offer a number of advanced surgical techniques and technologies.  All patients are carefully screened and an appropriate anesthetic protocol specific to their medical needs is designed.  Your pet's status is monitored continuously during the procedure, including blood pressure, ECG, temperature, oxygen saturation, capnography, and respiratory rate.


Surgical procedures offered include but are not limited to: spays and neuters, removal of soft-tissue masses, cruciate ligament repair, cystotomies, and gastrointestinal procedures.

Dentistry, Picture of dog teeth



Animals get periodontal disease, gingivitis and tooth decay just like humans. You may see yellow or brown spots on their teeth, and their breath can become malodorous.  The gums and teeth can be very red and painful. What you cannot see is the infection below the gum-line allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and causing not only infections in the mouth but also eventually damage to the valves of the heart, kidneys and the liver. Regular dental check ups, cleaning and brushing at home can add years to your pet's life and prevent many disease processes.


Your pet's oral health will be assessed at their yearly physical, and any treatments needed will be recommended.  These range from basic home care, to cleanings under anesthesia, to extraction of problem teeth.

Laboratory, photo of lab equipment



Our hospital offers a number of both in-house and referral laboratory services.  These include a myraid of blood panels to screen for various conditions common in animals, routine heartworm monitoring, urinalysis, fecal parasite monitoring, and microscopic evaluation of skin conditions and soft-tissue masses.


Your veterinarian can advise you on what tests will be the most appropriate in the treatment of your pet, without the need to run extraneous or redundant tests.

Pharmacy, inside view of pharmacy



Our hospital is stocked with a number of veterinary pharmaceuticals and supplements.  We are always available to answer questions about any drug or supplement that has been recommended for your pet.


We carry a number of monthly heartworm, flea, and tick preventatives.  There are a lot of different products on the market, and we can help you navigate this confusing landscape.

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